
Episode 4 February 28, 2019 01:09:11
Centaurs with Keytars

Feb 28 2019 | 01:09:11


Show Notes

Marriage.  The road most travelled.  Just great.

I talk to a lot of people I like to hear from about marriage.  It's a theme episode.

The theme is marriage.

Thanks again to Frances and the Foundation for... um... ubiquitously lettin us use "Hey Man" off their album "Nothing is Perfect, Everything is Fine!" as our intro song.  No thanks again to Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker for not letting us use the word "ubiquitously".  You don't own that word.  The world owns that word!  So I'm using it!  Me and Herman Melville!

Check them Frances and the Foundation on these social platforms to find out how and where to buy some of their shit.


Twitter: @francesfndation


Snap Weasel: Patent it before I do!

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